What is the Gross Spend Card from the Agreement Monitoring Page?

This article provides the description of the Gross Spend Card from the agreement Monitoring Page

The gross spend card can be found under the agreement monitoring page. Earned discount is your additional discount on top of your base discount as your spend grow

The Gross Spend Card shows your current Earned discount information and will signal you if your account is at risk of falling out of the Revenue tiers or Earned discount tiers. 

On the bottom you will see the different Tiers and the corresponding spend range based on your active agreement. You will see your current tier on the yellow circle and as you hover your pointer there, you will also see your current gross spend.

Hovering your pointer to the next tier bar (right side of the yellow circle) will show you the impact as your go up the tier.

Hovering your pointer to the tier bar on the left side of your current tier  will show you the impact as your go down the tier.

Strategically speaking this gives you a view of how you can manage your shipping spend that will impact you going up the tier or your safe zone before you fall out of your current tier. This Lets you keep track of your current tier at all times and notifies you if you're getting close to the edge of your discount.