What is FedEx Money-Back Guarantee and UPS Service Guarantee?

This article discusses how FedEx Money-Back Guarantee and UPS Service Guarantee work and the impact of the Guarantee waivers.

The FedEx Money Back Guarantee and UPS Service Guarantee are policies that guarantee your package will be delivered on time or your money back. According to the Guarantee Polices, if your package is delivered late by even 60 seconds or has been misbilled, you are eligible for a 100% refund of shipping costs charged. The guarantees are shippers' exclusive remedy in the event of a service failure for the recovery of all or any portion of the carriers’ charges for a shipment. Shippers can request a refund for shipping costs.

However, there are times when carriers will not issue a refund for late delivery. Here are the most common exceptions the carriers' guarantee policy does not apply to:

*Events beyond the control of carriers including strikes, adverse weather conditions or customs delays
*Shipments withheld at a location in the tracking history
*Shipments with delivery signature options or charge for additional handling
*Late shipments for which the recipient requested to modify the delivery rerouted shipments
*Shipments containing dangerous goods or dry ice
*Packages with an address correction

These guarantees will not apply when the carriers suspend this policy. A suspension by both carriers of some services was implemented during COVID and is being evaluated on an ongoing basis.

Lastly, a shipper cannot take advantage of a refund or credit when there is a money-back guarantee/service guarantee waiver in place on their agreement. Shippers sometimes opt to have this option to get additional discounts on their agreement. 

For the latest updates on this policy, please refer to the carrier's website link:

