What is the DIM Divisor (Dimensional Divisor)?

The DIM divisor is utilized to calculate the dimensional weight of a package. Dimensional weight is determined by multiplying the package's length, width, and height, then dividing the result by the DIM divisor.


For a package with dimensions of 10 x 20 x 30 inches, the volume would be 6,000 cubic inches. If the shipper has a DIM divisor of 166, the calculation would be as follows:


A higher DIM divisor benefits shippers, as it results in a lower dimensional weight, leading to reduced shipping costs. This is an important factor that shippers negotiate with carriers during the contract negotiation phase.

For instance, if the shipper has a DIM divisor of 200, the calculation changes:

This lower dimensional weight of 30 lbs would yield a reduced shipping cost compared to the 36.14 lbs calculated earlier.