What is Avg Cost/Package?

The focus of this article is on the Average Cost per Package tab found on the VitalFactors™ page.

Avg Cost / Package

The Average Cost per Package helps you identify whether or not you are truly covering your shipping cost. 

Avg Cost Per Package by Service: This graph breaks out the average cost per package by service levels. If you hover your mouse over each service level, you will see the % total net spend and package count.

Over time graph: Shows the avg cost/package over a period of time.

Q: What advantages does the Average Cost per Package VitalFactors™ Card offer?  

A:  This feature allows you to gain insights into the implications of selecting one service level over another when shipping packages. By referring to the actionable insights provided by the service spend card, it may be recommended to downgrade from a 1-day priority to ground shipping, for instance. With the help of this graph, you can observe the monetary difference between service levels and make informed decisions regarding shipment strategies, particularly in terms of budgeting. 

Another benefit of this vital factor is the ability to determine the necessary margins to accommodate shipping costs in sales. For instance, if you are offering free shipping or discounted shipping specials, this information serves as a valuable reference. Reveel simplifies the process of obtaining these figures for you.