What is Time in Transit?

Transit Time measures the total time a shipment takes from the time it is picked up to the time it is delivered. Reveel includes weekends (non-business days) in our calculation to show exactly how long a package took to arrive.

An example of this would be if a package is shipped on Thursday and delivers on Tuesday the transit time would be 5 days. We do not consider the shipment date in the calculation because shipments are usually picked up end of day:

  • Thursday - Pickup day (not included in calculation)
  • Friday - Day 1
  • Saturday - Day 2
  • Sunday - Day 3
  • Monday - Day 4
  • Tuesday - Day 5 (delivery day is included in the calculation)


Average Transit Time by Service (Bar Chart)
This graph shows by service level, the average transit time (delivery minus shipment date). This is a quick and easy way for customers to see how long each service level is taking on average to deliver.

Over Time (Line Chart)
This graph shows the average on time in transit over time. Without selecting specific service levels, it will average the time in transit of all service levels. This is helpful for customers to see if carriers are getting quicker or if things are getting slower over time. It also allows for a side by side comparison of transit time by carrier.