Entering Shipping Addresses Correctly in Carrier Systems: Best Practices

This article explains how you can ensure accurate entry of shipping addresses to prevent costly address correction charges.

Address correction charges can result from inaccurate or incomplete addresses. If any part of the delivery address—such as the house or building number, street name, state, or zip code—is incorrect, it may lead to an address correction. Carriers typically impose fees for these corrections.

Our Platform’s Actionable Insights from the Surcharge Spend VitalFactor card provides you with essential data to update your records and minimize future charges. Correctly entering addresses ensures timely package delivery, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

However, even after shippers update their address records based on Actionable Insights, they may still incur address correction charges. If the correct address has been updated, the issue may stem from the shipper's internal system when writing or inputting addresses. It's crucial that the shipper's address format aligns with the carrier's formatting standards to avoid these errors.


For instance, UPS has the this format to follow:

Line One: Start with the name of the recipient, including any legal or professional title as appropriate. When sending to organizations, include the company name as well as the recipient’s work title and (if known) the name of their department.

Line Two: Input the street address. Remember to include the apartment number, where one exists, and any directional information (NW, SE, NE, SW) . 

Line Three: Input the town/city followed by the two-letter state abbreviation and five-digit zip code, on one line if it fits. Otherwise, separate the information across two lines.




While this is the format to follow for FedEx:

Domestic House Address:
Addressing a package to a house within the U.S. is straightforward. Always include a directional with the street address when applicable.

1. Ms. Fiona Williams
2. 2119 S Jackson St.
3. Chicago, IL 60609

Business Address:
When sending a package to someone at their place of business, write the company’s name on the first line followed by the recipient's name on the second. Alongside your recipient's name, add their department, if you know it.

1. Creative Agency NY
2. ATTN Mr. John James
3, 1271 Sixth Ave.
4. New York, NY 10020


For more details and updates, please refer to the carrier's website link:

How to Write a Shipping Address (UPS)

Addressing a package (FedEx)