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How Do I Filter the Data on the Platform?

This article is about filtering carrier data by carrier and/or date range.

Filtering the data on the VitalFactors™ page

On the upper right-hand side of the VitalFactors™ page, you will see the filter bar. This includes filtering by carriers and date range. 

    Filtering by carrier information

    • If you ship with both FedEx and UPS, you can click on the first dropdown in the filter bar (by default, this is set to display a combination of both FedEx and UPS data if you ship with both carriers). The dropdown contains options to view invoice data from each carrier separately.



    Filtering by date range

    • In the filter bar, click on the calendar icon — by default, it is set to the previous 30 days, but you can switch between the following: 
      • Previous 30 Days
      • 52-week Rolling Period 
      • MTD (Month to date)
      • QTD (Quarter to date)
      • YTD (Year to date)
      • Specific Date Range (choose "from" and "to" dates on the date selector)
    • If you select the 52-Week Rolling period from the calendar dropdown, it will update all of your VitalFactors™ Dashboards, as well as your RPI Number, to show you all the carrier invoice data from the previous 52 weeks to the present day. 
    • Note that any time you change the date range, that becomes the default view. So, if you select a 52-week rolling period from the calendar dropdown, log out and then log back into the platform a week later, your VitalFactors™ Dashboards will be set to show the last 52 weeks from the present day you are viewing it.  

    • However, if you select a specific date range (let’s assume you want to look at March 01, 2021 - March 15, 2021) and log out and then log back in a week later, the date range will still be set to March 01, 2021 - March 15, 2021 (the specific date range you previously selected). 

    • The filter option is also available in other tabs or pages such as the Agreement comparison page, Audit recovery page and Reports page.