How to Create and Download Reports

This article is about creating and downloading reports from the platform.

1. From the Home page on the Reveel platform, go to the Reports tab. 

2. Then go to Create a Report. 

3. Filter the data you'd like to obtain based on the drop-down menu options: 

  • Report type
  • Select Carrier Accounts (UPS or FedEx or both)
  • Invoice date
  • Date range
  • Report frequency

4. You may choose to change the file name by editing the "Report Name". 

5. Finally, click on Create a Report button. 


6. You will see the created report on the  Download a Report page under the In Progress & Scheduled Reports section.

7. When the report is done processing, you will see it in the Completed Reports section. On the right-hand side, you will see the Download option.