What is Carrier Performance (On Time Performance)?

On Time Performance (OTP) is a metric that measures how well a carrier performs against the Service Level Commitments it makes in its service guide for given Service Levels. It will measure the expected outcome of a service level against what the customer's experience actually was given the final delivery time.

OTP measures the punctuality of services - "Did my shipment arrive on time?"

Some carrier service levels - such as Next Day, 2 Day, and Ground - have time-specific service commitments defined by each carrier in its service guide. Some products or needs will require expedited shipping (such as Next Day or 2 Day Service), while other products or business needs may allow for services with longer service times (such as Ground) or even carrier products that do not guarantee a delivery time (such as Ground Advantage, which leverages the USPS for final mile delivery). Cost and service levels typically correlate - the quicker it will get to the destination, the more expensive the service level.


It is important to note that UPS and FedEx are the carriers Reveel measures OTP for.

Performance by Service (Bar Chart)

This graph shows the % of on time packages by service level. Determining if a package is on time depends on the service level and is why this graph is broken out that way. Once you hover over the bar itself, it will show the % of packages shipped on time.

Over Time (Line Chart)
This graph shows the average OTP over time. Without selecting specific service levels, it will average the OTP of all service levels. This is helpful for customers to see if carriers are getting better at meeting the service level expectations or if things are getting worse over time. It also allows for a side by side comparison of OTP by carrier.