What is the 2024 Forecast Report?

Introducing the 2024 Forecast Report 

It's a comprehensive analysis of your projected spending for the upcoming year compared to your actual expenses from the current year. It's an Excel file that provides a detailed breakdown in CSV format, highlighting any changes due to the General Rate Increase (GRI) and newly negotiated agreements.

For example, if you recently negotiated a savings agreement and are facing a GRI, our report will show the net impact on your spending. Additionally, we will track any agreement discount term expirations that could affect your budget in 2024.

To access this valuable tool, simply navigate to the Reports tab and select "2024 Forecast Report." Choose your carrier and date range, then click "Create a Report" to generate your customized analysis. Find the report in the Download section of the page, ready to help you plan and optimize your budget for the upcoming year.